OSLO, Norwegen, March 20, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Mit dem Internationalen Ibsen-Preis, dem weltweit größten Theaterpreis,
werden Persönlichkeiten oder Institutionen ausgezeichnet, die wesentlich
zur Entwicklung des Theaters als Kunstform beigetragen haben. Der
Preisträger erhält eine Auszeichnung in Höhe von 2,5 Millionen NOK (ca.
300 000 EUR).
Der Preis wurde von der norwegischen Regierung 2007 ins Leben gerufen und wurde bereits an Peter Brook, Ariane Mnouchkine, Jon Fosse und
Heiner Goebbels verliehen. Wie es in der Begründung heißt, wird der
Internationale Ibsen-Preis 2014 Peter Handke verliehen für "ein
unvergleichliches Lebenswerk in Bezug auf formelle Schönheit und
brillante Reflexion". Weiter heißt es: "Wenn Ibsen der mustergültige Dramatiker in der noch andauernden bürgerlichen Epoche war, ist Peter Handke zweifelsohne der bedeutendste Epiker des Theaters." Die gesamte Begründung der Jury finden Sie unter http://www.internationalibsenaward.com
Video: https://vimeo.com/89543851
Password: ibsen
Über Peter Handke
Peter Handke wurde in Kärnten geboren, studierte von 1961-1965 Jura an der UniversitätGraz, brach sein Studium allerdings ab, als sein erstes Romanmanuskript 1965 angenommen wurde (Die Hornissen, 1966). Im gleichen Jahr wurde in Frankfurt das legendäre Theaterstück Publikumsbeschimpfung unter der Regie von Claus Peymann inszeniert. Peter Handke hat
seitdem mehr als dreißig Erzählungen und Prosawerke herausgegeben und
eine Reihe von Theaterstücken und Drehbüchern geschrieben, u.a. das
Drehbuch zu Wim Wenders' bekanntem und ausgezeichnetem FilmDer Himmel über Berlin (1987).
Für seine Werke ist er mit mehreren internationalen Preisen
ausgezeichnet worden und ist heute einer der großen Namen in der
europäischen Literatur. Handke wohnt in Chaville außerhalb von Paris.
- Die Preisverleihung findet während des Ibsenfestivals am 21. September im Nationaltheater statt. Als Abschlussvorstellung des Festivals wird Peter HandkesImmer noch Sturm aufgeführt.
- Der Preis wird vom norwegischen Kultusministerium finanziert und alle zwei Jahre am Geburtstag von Henrik Ibsen verliehen.
- Das Gremium besteht aus Per Boye Hansen (Vorsitzender), Therese Bjørneboe (stellvertretende Vorsitzende), Hanne Tømta, Christiane Schneider, Sir Brian McMaster, Dr. Thomas Oberender sowie Roman Dolzhanskiy.
- Zu den bisherigen Preisträgern gehören Peter Brook, Ariane Mnouchkine, Jon Fosseund Heiner Goebbels.
- Henrik Ibsen wurde am 20. März 1828 in Skien geboren.
Weitere Informationen zum Preis, dem diesjährigen Preisträger und Fotos unter:
Ansprechpartnerin für weitere Informationen: Anne Berentsen
+47-99-52-44-38 / anne.berentsen@kulturmeglerne.no
""The International Ibsen Award honors this year a work that is unparalleled in terms formal beauty and brilliant reflection. Peter Handke appear throughout this work as a cosmopolite, one who writes on world literature and provides diversity in human stories and shared history room and protection. His texts creates transparency, encourages daring to define itself, and has for years helped to create ever greater acceptance of the fragmented and available innuendo. As Shakespeare's Prospero, Peter Handke created an island, where he has been able to put off what he
has collected from Alaska to Slovenia, suburban and meetings with their ancestors. How Peter Handke in over half a century created the most unusual form of classicism after the Second World War, and he creates it still. "
I'll post a link here to the Knausgard laudatio as soon as it comes on line.
makes me happy,
for him
and for theater.
I have a few bones to pick with our man, but they are brittle bones, none include his defense of the unjustly - for being exclusively - accused Serbians.
Nothig provokes my nausea reflex as much
as the dispensable righteousness of
the U.S. “humanity hyenas” in respect to that still tender subject.
I laugh off the old bones, for few matters have made me happier or given me more joy than some of Handke's plays and my work on them and some of his books.
The most entirely unexpected
experiences of my life!
Happenings, and some of the plays
even induce catharses!
Good Hours!
Peter Strasser wrote
Peter Handke FREUDENSTOFF (stuff of joy)
and though I pride myself on figuring out a lot of things
and am anything but mystically inclined
the transmigration of Handke's mother's love into his love of writing and of text and its evocation of joy in me in instances such a
My Year in the No-Man's Bay
Crossing the Sierra del Gredox
Don Juan (as told by himsef)
The Repetirion
The Assaying of the Jukebox
etc etc etc
exceeds the power & ingenuity that reason has bestowed on me.
Among the surfeit of prizes he once said he would refuse (but did not!) the Ibsen Prize
looks to be the perfect one. For indeed, theater will never be the same, not that the U.S., or its art directors or critics
is any less ignorant in this respect than in so many others, or his chief U.S. publisher, Farrar, Straus,
any more competent.
A combination of Shakespeare and Oedipus might appear yet they would not know.
Here we have a Shakespearean talent!
Nonetheless, despite constant deference to the Bard of Avon, the naturalism of the familiar emoticon Aha persists.
Handke says he is a realist, true enough in that he has renovated the great realist prose tradition and introduced profound innovations there.
In his theater he has added the
“happening factor” to the ambiguity of reality.
“happening factor” to the ambiguity of reality.
Public Insult
The Ride Across Lake Constance
They Are Dying Out
Walk About the Villages
The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other
The Art of Asking
Voyage by Dugout
Till the Day do Us Part
Forever Storm
The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez
Look: how he does NOT repeat himself!
Look how he challenges his audience!
Look how U.S reviewers and art directors can't deal with that!
Just look at all the stuff that's been mounted since the mid-80s and the Handke that has not been done in the English-speaking world!
and you realize that, as usual, the U.S missed the boat, and will come arunning once it is nearly out of sight.
originated in the now fifteen-year old Handke.scriptmania complex and its
has 45 posts.
Posts that have evinced the greatest interest are:
I call your attention to the research sites: Klaus Kastberger's
Die-arbeit-des-zuschauers-Handke Theater Museum
At one time ex-author Richard Schechner of TDR
offered to publish my Handke drama lectures as a TDR book,
asked if he had $ 1000 to help defray
he did not, thus, so far, my work along
my line remains incomplete
but there have been interesting takes
that I have to accommodate:
I call your attention to the research sites: Klaus Kastberger's
Die-arbeit-des-zuschauers-Handke Theater Museum
Thank you,
Michael Roloff